
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Heart Knowledge

It's Sunday afternoon. The house is a complete and utter wreck. If you came knocking on my door I would probably turn you away. Or, I would have you wait 5 minutes so I could shove the overwhelming amount of dirty laundry in the closet, give a disheartening glance at my kitchen, and close the second bedroom door. The bad news (and the good news) is that this home is not getting cleaned today. Our afternoon will be spent reading.

Seminary reading is something that you hear a lot about...any graduate program, for that matter, is filled with horror stories of the amounts of work that is required. Two weeks into seminary and I know that I have barely scratched the surface. Perhaps it's my naivety speaking, but, I am really excited about a Sunday afternoon dedicated to reading.

I am so excited, so thrilled, to have the opportunity to be attending Reformed Theological Seminary. And you know what? The reading is really, really interesting. Not only does the reading material challenge your intellect, but it speaks to your heart. Everything I am learning is not just knowledge, it is applicable to your life. In my Hebrews-Revelation class I learned not only about I Peter, the setting, authorship and intent of the letter, but I learned a deeper truth about being a submissive wife. In Systematic Theology, I learned not only about the sovereignty of God and his control over all things, but my human responsibility in the active pursuit of the salvation of others. 

We are always learning. Hopefully, the knowledge we are gaining isn't just staying in our heads, but it is transforming our hearts. What have you learned recently that's deepened your heart knowledge and not just your head knowledge?


  1. I am curious what the "deeper truth about being a submissive wife" was.

  2. It was an interesting discussion about a wife's submission and a husbands love. There was a classmate from Kenya who sees this passage taken out of context all the time where the women are in very abusive relationships in the name of this text. However, a husband's love for his wife is suppose to be like that of the Christ to his church...sacrificial. But the interesting thing is it says that wives should submit and husbands should honor so that "your prayers may not be hindered." Your marriage relationship is directly related to your ability to pray.
