
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Top 5 Reasons To Go To Seminary With Your Wife

5. You meet twice as many people and make deeper relationships with more people than you would be able to on your own.

4. It just looks cool to walk to class with someone that wears a feather in their hair.

3. When studying together, you get to hear the highlights of your wife's classes without doing all of the work. About every ten minutes you'll hear things like "Hey baby, listen to this," or "John Frame figured out the problem of evil" or "Chuck Hill solved the tension between Paul's theology of faith and James' theology of works."

2. Everyone knows who you are very quickly because you're the guy who's married to the girl with all of the pink stuff.

1. Seriously though, It is an awesome privilege to learn about the Love of your life alongside the love of your life. She pushes me to be more like Christ more than anyone else on earth and I'm lucky to have her beside me on this new journey for our lives.

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